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Removes blue-green-deploy. Removes kustomize1. Moves kustomize2-guestbook to kustomize-guestbook (#12)

Alex Collins 6 лет назад

+ 1 - 2

@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ to explore ArgoCD and GitOps!
 | [ksonnet-guestbook](ksonnet-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a ksonnet app |
 | [helm-guestbook](helm-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a Helm chart |
 | [jsonnet-guestbook](jsonnet-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a raw jsonnet |
-| [kustomize-guestbook](kustomize-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a Kustomize 1 app |
-| [kustomize2-guestbook](kustomize2-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a Kustomize 2 app |
+| [kustomize2-guestbook](kustomize-guestbook/) | The guestbook application as a Kustomize 2 app |
 | [pre-post-sync](pre-post-sync/) | Demonstrates Argo CD PreSync and PostSync hooks |
 | [helm-dependency](helm-dependency/) | Demonstrates how to customize an OTS (off-the-shelf) helm chart from an upstream repo |
 | [blue-green-deploy](blue-green-deploy/) | Demonstrates an Argo CD Sync hook which performs a blue/green deployment |

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-apiVersion: 0.3.0
-  default:
-    destination:
-      namespace: blue-green-deploy
-      server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
-    k8sVersion: v1.10.0
-    path: default
-kind: ksonnet.io/app
-name: blue-green-deploy
-  incubator:
-    protocol: github
-    uri: github.com/ksonnet/parts/tree/master/incubator
-version: 0.0.1

+ 0 - 71

@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-DEPLOYMENT_NAME=$(echo "${DEPLOY_MANIFEST}" | jq -r '.metadata.name')
-SERVICE_NAME=$(echo "${SERVICE_MANIFEST}" | jq -r '.metadata.name')
-# 1. Check if the deployment exists. If it doesn't exist, this is the initial deployment and we
-# can simply deploy without blue-green. Add the app label using jq
-out=$(kubectl get --export -o json deployment.apps/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} 2>&1)
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-  if [[ "${out}" =~ "NotFound" ]] ; then
-    echo "Initial deployment"
-    echo ${DEPLOY_MANIFEST} | \
-      jq ".metadata.labels += {\"app.kubernetes.io/instance\": \"${APPNAME}\"}" | \
-      kubectl apply -o yaml -f - || exit 1
-    echo ${SERVICE_MANIFEST} | \
-      jq ".metadata.labels += {\"app.kubernetes.io/instance\": \"${APPNAME}\"}" | \
-      kubectl apply -o yaml -f - || exit 1
-    exit 0
-  fi
-  echo "Failed to get deployment: ${out}"
-  exit 1
-# 2. Clone the original, running deployment to a temporary deployment, with tweaks to its name and
-# selectors. The jq command carries over all labels and selectors and appends the `-temp` suffix.
-echo ${ORIGINAL_DEPLOY_MANIFEST} | jq -r '.metadata.name+="-temp" |
-  .spec.template.metadata.labels += (.spec.template.metadata.labels | to_entries | map(.value+="-temp") | from_entries) |
-  .spec.selector.matchLabels += (.spec.selector.matchLabels | to_entries | map(.value+="-temp") | from_entries)' |
-  kubectl apply -f -
-# 3. Wait for cloned deployment to become ready.
-sleep 2
-echo "Waiting for successful rollout of new (temporary) deployment"
-kubectl rollout status --watch=true deployments.apps/${TMP_DEPLOYMENT_NAME} || exit 1
-echo "Rollout of temporary deployment successful"
-# 4. Patch the service object such that all traffic is redirected to the cloned, temporary
-# deployment. After this step, the original deployment will no longer be receiving traffic.
-kubectl get service ${SERVICE_NAME} --export -o json | \
-  jq '.spec.selector = (.spec.selector | with_entries(.value+="-temp"))' |
-  kubectl apply -f - || exit 1
-sleep 5 # Sleep slightly to allow iptables to get propagated to all nodes in the cluster
-# 5. Update the original deployment (now receiving no traffic) with the new manifest
-echo "Updating original deployment"
-echo ${DEPLOY_MANIFEST} | \
-  jq ".metadata.labels += {\"app.kubernetes.io/instance\": \"${APPNAME}\"}" | \
-  kubectl apply -f - || exit 1
-# 6. Wait for the new deployment to become complete
-sleep 2
-echo "Waiting for successful rollout of new deployment"
-kubectl rollout status --watch=true deployments.apps/${DEPLOYMENT_NAME} || exit 1
-echo "Rollout of new deployment successful"
-# dummy wait step for demo purposes
-echo "sleeping for 30 seconds"
-sleep 30
-# 7. Apply the new service object. Traffic will be redirected to the new version of the deployment
-echo "Updating original service object"
-  jq ".metadata.labels += {\"app.kubernetes.io/instance\": \"${APPNAME}\"}" | \
-  kubectl apply -f - || exit 1
-sleep 10
-# 8. Remove the cloned deployment, which is no longer receiving any traffic
-echo "Deleting ephemeral deployment"
-kubectl delete deployments/${TMP_DEPLOYMENT_NAME} --ignore-not-found=true || exit 1

+ 0 - 65

@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-local env = std.extVar("__ksonnet/environments");
-local params = std.extVar("__ksonnet/params").components["bg-guestbook"];
-   {
-      "apiVersion": "v1",
-      "kind": "Service",
-      "metadata": {
-         "name": params.name,
-         "annotations": {
-             "argocd.argoproj.io/hook": "Skip",
-         },
-      },
-      "spec": {
-         "ports": [
-            {
-               "port": params.servicePort,
-               "targetPort": params.containerPort
-            }
-         ],
-         "selector": {
-            "app": params.name
-         },
-         "type": params.type
-      }
-   },
-   {
-      "apiVersion": "apps/v1beta2",
-      "kind": "Deployment",
-      "metadata": {
-         "name": params.name,
-         "annotations": {
-             "argocd.argoproj.io/hook": "Skip",
-         },
-      },
-      "spec": {
-         "replicas": params.replicas,
-         "revisionHistoryLimit": 3,
-         "selector": {
-            "matchLabels": {
-               "app": params.name
-            },
-         },
-         "template": {
-            "metadata": {
-               "labels": {
-                  "app": params.name
-               }
-            },
-            "spec": {
-               "containers": [
-                  {
-                     "image": params.image,
-                     "name": params.name,
-                     "ports": [
-                        {
-                            "containerPort": params.containerPort
-                        }
-                     ]
-                  }
-               ]
-            }
-         }
-      }
-   }

+ 0 - 131

@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-local bgGuestbook = std.extVar("__ksonnet/components")["bg-guestbook"];
-local bgGuestbookSvc = bgGuestbook[0];
-local bgGuestbookDeploy = bgGuestbook[1];
-  "apiVersion": "v1",
-  "kind": "Pod",
-  "metadata": {
-    "generateName": "blue-green-",
-    "annotations": {
-      "argocd.argoproj.io/hook": "Sync",
-      "deploy-manifest": std.manifestJson(bgGuestbookDeploy),
-      "svc-manifest": std.manifestJson(bgGuestbookSvc),
-    },
-  },
-  "spec": {
-    "serviceAccountName": "blue-green-sa",
-    "restartPolicy": "Never",
-    "containers": [
-      {
-        "name": "blue-green",
-        "image": "argoproj/argoexec:latest",
-        "command": ["bash", "-c"],
-        "args": ["
-            curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/kubectl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt)/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl &&
-            chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl &&
-            curl -sSL -o /usr/local/bin/blue-green.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argocd-example-apps/master/blue-green-deploy/blue-green.sh &&
-            chmod +x /usr/local/bin/blue-green.sh &&
-            blue-green.sh
-        "],
-        "env": [
-          {
-            "name": "DEPLOY_MANIFEST",
-            "valueFrom": {
-              "fieldRef": {
-                "fieldPath": "metadata.annotations['deploy-manifest']"
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          {
-            "name": "SERVICE_MANIFEST",
-            "valueFrom": {
-              "fieldRef": {
-                "fieldPath": "metadata.annotations['svc-manifest']"
-              }
-            }
-          },
-          // NOTE: app.kubernetes.io/instance will get injected into the hook object
-          {
-            "name": "APPNAME",
-            "valueFrom": {
-              "fieldRef": {
-                "fieldPath": "metadata.labels['app.kubernetes.io/instance']"
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        ]
-      }
-    ],
-  }
-// RBAC to allow the blue-green pod privileges to manipulate deployments and services
-	"apiVersion": "v1",
-	"kind": "ServiceAccount",
-	"metadata": {
-		"name": "blue-green-sa"
-	}
-	"apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
-	"kind": "Role",
-	"metadata": {
-		"name": "blue-green-role"
-	},
-	"rules": [
-		{
-			"apiGroups": [
-				"apps",
-        "extensions"
-			],
-			"resources": [
-				"deployments",
-			],
-			"verbs": [
-        "list",
-        "get",
-				"create",
-				"update",
-				"patch",
-				"delete",
-			]
-		},
-		{
-			"apiGroups": [
-				""
-			],
-			"resources": [
-				"services"
-			],
-			"verbs": [
-        "list",
-        "get",
-				"create",
-				"update",
-				"patch",
-				"delete",
-			]
-		}
-	]
-  "apiVersion": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1",
-  "kind": "RoleBinding",
-  "metadata": {
-    "name": "blue-green-rolebinding"
-  },
-  "roleRef": {
-    "apiGroup": "rbac.authorization.k8s.io",
-    "kind": "Role",
-    "name": "blue-green-role"
-  },
-  "subjects": [
-    {
-      "kind": "ServiceAccount",
-      "name": "blue-green-sa"
-    }
-  ]

+ 0 - 19

@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-  global: {
-    // User-defined global parameters; accessible to all component and environments, Ex:
-    // replicas: 4,
-  },
-  components: {
-    // Component-level parameters, defined initially from 'ks prototype use ...'
-    // Each object below should correspond to a component in the components/ directory
-    "bg-guestbook": {
-      containerPort: 80,
-      image: "gcr.io/heptio-images/ks-guestbook-demo:0.2",
-      name: "blue-green-guestbook",
-      replicas: 3,
-      servicePort: 80,
-      type: "LoadBalancer",
-    },
-    "bg-pod": {},
-  },

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-local components = std.extVar("__ksonnet/components");
-components + {
-  // Insert user-specified overrides here.

+ 0 - 2

@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-local base = import "base.libsonnet";
-// uncomment if you reference ksonnet-lib
-// local k = import "k.libsonnet";
-// local deployment = k.apps.v1beta2.deployment;
-base + {
-  // Insert user-specified overrides here. For example if a component is named \"nginx-deployment\", you might have something like:\n")
-  // "nginx-deployment"+: deployment.mixin.metadata.withLabels({foo: "bar"})

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-local params = std.extVar("__ksonnet/params");
-local globals = import "globals.libsonnet";
-local envParams = params + {
-  components +: {
-    // Insert component parameter overrides here. Ex:
-    // guestbook +: {
-    //   name: "guestbook-dev",
-    //   replicas: params.global.replicas,
-    // },
-  },
-  components: {
-    [x]: envParams.components[x] + globals, for x in std.objectFields(envParams.components)
-  },

+ 0 - 0
kustomize2-guestbook/guestbook-ui-deployment.yaml → kustomize-guestbook/guestbook-ui-deployment.yaml

+ 0 - 0
kustomize2-guestbook/guestbook-ui-svc.yaml → kustomize-guestbook/guestbook-ui-svc.yaml

+ 4 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 namePrefix: kustomize-
-- ../guestbook/guestbook-ui-deployment.yaml
-- ../guestbook/guestbook-ui-svc.yaml
+- guestbook-ui-deployment.yaml
+- guestbook-ui-svc.yaml
+apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
+kind: Kustomization

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-namePrefix: kustomize-
-- guestbook-ui-deployment.yaml
-- guestbook-ui-svc.yaml
-apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
-kind: Kustomization